
The gates are made of wrought iron according to the models from our catalog or a design (picture) of the client. These are produced according to the measures of the opening (width and height). They can be realized in versions: winged, sliding, cantilever (self-supporting gates). Along with the production of gates, we perform the installation of high-quality engines and we carry out the option of remote control (opening and closing).

Products, Gates K8-107
Products, Gates K8-107


Products, Gates K8-108


Products, Gates K8-109
Products, Gates K8-109


Products, Gates K8-110
Products, Gates K8-110


Products, Gates K8-111
Products, Gates K8-111


Products, Gates K8-112
Products, Gates K8-112


Products, Gates K8-113
Products, Gates K8-113


Products, Gates K8-114
Products, Gates K8-114


Products, Gates K8-115
Products, Gates K8-115


U prilici smo da Vam ponudimo širok asortiman materijala za izradu...kovano gvožđe, kutije, inoks, aluminijum, mesing...

U osnovi, kapije se izrađuju kao pešačke (jednokrilne), kolske (dvokrilne), klizne, konzolne...ali nam je uvek izazov prihvatiti nove ideje.

Osim standardnih, transparentnih kapija, neretko izrađujemo i kapije zatvorene limom, leksanom, potpunu intimnost životnog prostora.

Ne želite izlaziti iz auta kako bi parkirali isti u dvorište? Imamo rešenje za Vas! Dostava i ugradnja električnih motora za kapije sa daljinskom kontrolom.

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