The company OGANJ kovano gvožđe has shown countless times that money is not the only value that deserves attention and which someone should pursue. Spiritual values are something that we value more than material, and in that sense, we were the benefactors of many Serbian sanctities.

What makes us the most proud of is the donation to Žiča monastery in the form of massive two-winged gate and pedestrian gate that separate the convent from the economic part of the monastery. Every employee has contributed to this selfless act... from the materials which the company donated, to the design by our own design team, drawings, painting, assembly... each one of us, at no charge, had woven in a part of their time and knowledge as a gift for which we are proud of.

Our act did not remain unrewarded... we were honored with Sunday lunch in the convent of Žiča Monastery by vestals, that, in this way, showed us their gratitude for the help to the monastery.

Visit the official web site of the Žiča Monastery from Žiča.

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